Friday, March 06, 2009

Creeping socialism

If not me, who? Who will tell it like it is? Obama’s new administration has overtones of each type of socialism. Utopian or Christian socialism’s method of governance works through cooperative communal groups holding all things in common. Guild socialism works through organization of the producer groups and the professions in guilds to be represented in a federal legislative body. In Fabian socialism (British Labour Party ) works through parliamentary democracy using gradualist evolutionary process. Marxist-Leninist State socialism works through revolution, expropriation and dictatorship of the so-called proletariat. Creeping socialism is anything considered as a gradual or piecemeal encroachment upon the system of private property and free enterprise through state action. The supremacy of the state (by any means) which characterizes a method of governance called Fascism, also has overtones in this Obama administration.

But the liberals play no game. A game where anything can happen is by definition not a game. Obama and his allies have set down the rules of play and they are gradually playing it out in creeping socialism. Other shades of socialism hang over the White House. The Great community organizer favors some aspects of Utopian socialism with his emphasis on cooperative living. His partiality for Unions reflects a guild socialism mentality. Under the pretense of democratic process Obama strips away American citizens’ liberties and imposes a Fabian socialism with an increasing number of restrictions and controls. The revolution of the proletariat against liberalism might occur in the future, but for now, the ‘peaceful’ coup of Obama embodies elements of a dictatorship of the elites in his version of state socialism. Obama’s Creeping socialism cannot be denied. Piecemeal, liberties and personal responsibility are being undermined with every subsidy and bailout, with every new punishment for accumulation of money and success.

Even Ho Chi Minh, the Communist leader in Viet Nam during the decades of the 1940's to 1960's said: "Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty." Also, a family living in Viet Nam in 1943 believed that their goals were to "study, to become good and to become rich."

Is American now attempting to become less free, less educated, less good and less rich than the tiny, often invaded country of Viet Nam 50 years agot? You bet. Communism failed in Viet Nam. It and socialism have failed wherever they has been tried, but Obama has just begun to take us down his road to serfdom.


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