Friday, April 10, 2009

A new word

I encountered a new word, IATROGENIC. Like any good student I must now use it in a sentence after looking up its definition. Obama’s world is in need of healing. Regulation is out of control. When will a strong, new IATROGENIC drug (one of healing induced by a physician esp. for disorders resulting from autosuggestion ) be prescribed for liberal politicians? In PA, state health inspectors have banned the sale of home-baked pies because they are illegal under the food-safety code having not been prepared in a state-inspected kitchen. My mental outrage against such a dismissal of common sense and tradition is only surpassed by my suppressed primal scream over America’s descent into insanity. With the healthiest and wealthiest populace and the safest food supply on the planet, how has America come down to this deprivation of individual freedom and initiative? Home-baked goods are unsafe because they have not been prepared on the premises? How can a tradition reaching back almost a half century be scrapped? How can politicians get away with this c...? What will be next on the list of dangerous violations of laws passed by liberal, insane politicians abetted and supported by liberal voters? Knowing it’s an impossible dream, I still dare to hope that a much needed anti-Fascist iatrogenic will be found. What anagram would be appropriate for its introduction into the mad, liberals’ market?


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