Sunday, November 11, 2007


1. An America of multiculturalism where no longer, "individuals of all nations are melted into a new race of men," as de Crevecoeur said of us in 1782?

2. An American incapable of crying for fallen soldiers in remembrance on Veteran’s day?

3. Past President George Bush skydiving on his 83th birthday because he wants to set an example that older folks should not just sit around and do nothing as if reading and thinking don’t count?

4. A world of music in which a cassette tape of Puccini arias did not exist or find itself into my library at the cost of a $1.00 at a used bargain store?

5. A foolish vegan who will never be able to appreciate the gifts of nectar and ambrosia sent to us by the God of all natural things?

6. A Broadway play’s closing because of the writer’s strike, according to one New Yorker?

All of the above are frightful, abhorrent, except No. 6 which is only horrible in its hedonistic, shallow, self-centeredness.


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