Candidate for President
I am available to run for President ( I or the smart one). You must choose. It may be too late to stop the Hellary train in 2008, but there is always 2012. I represent an ideological revolution against the status quo. Rush Limbaugh and other Republicans say they are looking for the last conservative in America. Here are two - a dynamic duo. Two fiscal cheapsters, throwbacks, embodiments of truths that need to be acknowledged. I represent that common sense and basic humanity that saved America’s re-education program of Nazi Pow’s in World War II from failure due to incompetence. I and the smart one have educated ourselves in business, financial responsibility, American history and political science ( as well as in the liberal arts). I advocate America’s revival - possibly salvation - through a political religion. To abandon America to liberal socialism and politically correct, amoral dictatorship would be sad. It’s as sad as not living life so as to be a saint. But seeing reality like a cup ½ empty is self-defeating. The cup must be perceived as ½ full. Joy in life is right living. What is right living? The joy is in the conservative details. Conservativism is a philosophy to do what’s right. My campaign is about political religion. An example of joy is rescuing dating, chivalry, romance, self-reliance, individual responsibility or common sense.
Even a retired nobody like me, can legally run for President. I have no money to sponsor a campaign. Neither do I have debts or political entanglements. Thus, my financial backing must first come from contributions at large, from fellow, concerned citizens. Elites may apply but only if they wish to join the revolution. I am not opposed to the income gap; only the gap between what’s deserved and what’s not. My pro’s and con’s under pin America in its greatness on a shining hill if rightly and properly understood.
Pro - the Constitution, God, patriotism, the military, business, immigration, savings, free markets, national autonomy, rational spending, proper prior parenting, low taxes evenly levied, free choice for individuals followed by logical consequences, self-reliance, swift and sure punishment for crimes, good food, reading...
Anti - overindulgence, government interference, government pork and perks, overspending, political correctness, victim hood, over-regulation, subsidies, the biased popular media, panic mongering, terrorism, cultural depravity, incivility, Hollywood, greedy lawyers and CEO’s, public schools, welfare, sports fanaticism, unions, environmental activism, do-gooders from the thought police, joggers...
I am available for President because America needs me to symbolize the reasonable, joyful golden mean. This is currently a revolutionary position and platform. The status quo represents comfort, self indulgence and voter apathy except from the committed voters on the right and left. In America, anybody should be able to succeed. If I and the smart one can eat and drink for under $7.00 a day, abandon T.V. and films and find joy in being cheap, we must be doing something right. MY CAMPAIGN SLOGAN : JOY IS IN DOING WHAT’S RIGHT.
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