Monday, October 29, 2007

Rachel who?

In this year, the centenary of Rachel Carson’s birth, we need to reconsider the significance of initial letters of certain words. S.. S... for silent spring, S... F ...F ... H... for simple, fair, flat and honest, and S... P... N... B... S... for solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. The first two words consonant with a lie, were perpetrated by the environmentalist author in her book SILENT SPRING. The next four words describe the qualities of a fair tax system so sorely needed in this country today. The last five remind us of the consequences of living without cooperation and enterprise between individuals in a civilized society. The five words used by the philosopher Thomas Hobbes, described man’s pathetic existence in the undesirable state of nature. The results of Rachel Carson’s cause celebre - the eradication of D.D.T - a chemical that killed the malaria-bearing mosquitoes, brought about solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short lives for millions of children and adults around the world since the 1960's when her book was first published. She preferred a state of nature. Would that nature lovers, politicians, academics and scientists practiced simple, fair, flat and honest analysis of this influential woman’s crusade which favored birds, beasts and insects over mankind.


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