Friday, October 26, 2007

Predatory Spending

Trick or treat?

Predatory lending or spending: Money spent by the food police for an agenda driven study to prove that even a small weight gain in childhood triggers diabetes.
Predatory lending or spending: This weekend A.T.&T. will waive the activation fee of $100 when an entire family signs up for their cell phone services.
Predatory lending or spending: Fashion bullies in middle school pressuring parents and pre-teens to buy the proper, popular clothes and accessories.
Predatory lending or spending: Classical music, a genre of the spiritual, becomes a casualty to pop music that answers the call of commercialism.
Predatory lending or spending: Payday loans are being targeted for legislation which will restrict their free market response to the public’s demand.
Predatory lending or spending: Lenders of mortgages in default are being asked to ‘forgive’ some of the payments of customers in arrears.

The trick is not predatory lending and the treat is what people hope to derive from spending. Lending is not predatory; rather it is risky, competitive and market driven. The trick, the prank, the deception, the joke that Americans play upon themselves, is predatory spending or self-inflicted irresponsibility. Instead of practicing self-control and common sense, Americans have become credit junkies, masters of living beyond their means. Excuses for the poor and stupid are always raised by liberal heads. Liberal politicians without critical or realistic thinking just play into falsehoods about predatory lending. Their blame of predatory lending is misplaced. Rather than sponsor efforts to limit or minimize the tricks that predatory spending play on the ignorant and misguided, politicians and do-gooders take the easy way out and just treat themselves to a repetition of the mantra ‘protect the poor.’

It’s still spooky - this Halloween.


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