Sunday, January 06, 2019


Onto what 'spectrum' do you fall?  Too many words and feelings have been written and wasted analyzing a spectrum.  Yesterday it was the autism spectrum that came into play in a long newspaper article about how individuals on the "autism spectrum"  need help finding meaningful employment.  I'm so 'sickofit' - putting virtually each person who marches to a slightly different drummer on a spectrum. Basically, a personality is or is not autistic.  Real autism ( and I've seen its sad, debilitating consequences), is obvious. But a spectrum is validated within the DSM's broad ( and I do mean broad) definition of mental illness.  Is your one son slightly off kilter.  Is your daughter not conforming to the expectations of peer or teacher pressure?  Developmental timelines can blur or falter, but if your man or woman can basically function in society,  he or she is not on a spectrum.  He or she is on a journey through life.

What do you worship?  Yesterday's question was answered by T.S. Eliot who said a "river is a strong, brown god." Did he worship a river?  Catch the mistake in his words?  His word god is not capitalized which makes all the difference.  Keep searching for what's  worth homage.


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