Monday, December 31, 2018


#5 Nightmare - not Elizabeth Warren running for Democrat President, but that prospect might ruin many  normal citizens' New Year.  No, Freud got it wrong.  There are not 3 states of psychic  being -  the Id, Ego and Super Ego. No, only two exist: reality and nightmare. Way to go,  I start the New Year with the worst nightmare in memory.  My nightmare portrays personal terror so pervasive  that it could portend a revolutionary change in  my approach to reality.  I guess, the loss of  life's love and the wails of a starving kitten speak to me from some muse or oracle in the depths of my psyche.  But really, do I need a life lesson?   Do you learn from your dreams and/or nightmares?   I'm tilting my champagne glass a little higher tonight.

Beto, Elizabeth, Joe, Kamala, Corey, Hellary, Michael and  Kasich ( I know a Republican) et. al are nightmares of reality.  How is this  possible in the New Year 2019?   Sometimes the boundaries of real and unreal blur.


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