Thursday, November 05, 2009

Referendum on lies

Are you listening Sarah and Doug? I am. Yesterday, concerned citizens voted against what’s wrong with Rev. Wright who calls America “the land of the greed and the home of the slave.” We conservatives (who have studied history and actually thought about it) know this country belongs to the free and the brave. Period. A liberal columnist Thomas Frank recently penned his lies about conservatives ( and a few Republicans) who have been telling the truth about the current economic crisis. Pressure from Acorn and Washington on lenders over the last decade, devotion to Unions and politically correct lobbyists and ‘leveling’ policies from liberal Democrats since the 1970's with President Carter who hoped for a “socialist Utopia,” - these factors brought forth the collapse of banks, car companies and lenders. But Frank perpetuates the lies about greed and corporate corruption. He denies any blame belongs with meddling Democrat liberals. The voters yesterday voted the old bums out and the new bums in. We’ll see as the future unfolds, what freedom and bravery can deliver.

A ‘public service’ announcement on the radio, aimed at helping citizens avoid the H1N1 flu, suggests that “you maintain your personal space,” eat fruits and vegetables and exercise.
How can wrong-headed messages be presented as so right? Rev. Wright of course is also wrong. What’s right can’t be wrong and wrongs can be righted like government meddling in our lives.


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