Monday, October 26, 2009

Sarah do you know?

Sarah, do you know that the hidden agenda of Obama’s encouraging children to stay in school and to learn and listen to their teachers really aims to fulfill the mission of indoctrination and re-education of America’s youth? Power to the teachers and teacher unions insures power to the President and his Communist agenda. Yet, a word like Communist, socialist, Fascist, progressive or liberal is not properly correct and descriptive when applied to Obama and his minions. Their goal is taking capitalism and freedom in America apart brick by brick or classroom by classroom. No doubt about it. The songs to Obama and his exhortations to go to college just reinforce his message that wealth must be re-distributed to its rightful owners and American history must be revised to debunk our country’s exceptionalism. Sound familiar? The attempt to overthrow the status quo has a long history. Mao, Mao, Fidel, Fidel, Che, Che, Chavez, Chavez, Ho, Ho, Uncle Joe, Uncle Joe - the list is endless of revolutionaries who want to restore power to the people ( a euphemistic phrase that masks a dictatorship on the way to a socialist Utopia that never will come to pass).

Sarah, are you aware that these are dark days when every word has a double meaning, an opposite intention and a hidden devilish detail?

Students do not need to stay in school; they need to think and seek the truth. This is the last thing that Obama wants. Half of this country still ‘gets it’ to some extent, so we cannot allow bodies of liberty loving inconsequentials to fall by the wayside. The Tea Party participants get it.

I’m an ordinary, flawed senior citizen who gets it. Do you get it?


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