Saturday, October 31, 2009

Guess who?

“A free Government cannot but be subject to Parties, Cabals, and Intrigues. This perhaps may be form’d into an Objection against free Governments by the Advocates for absolute Power, but for that Reason it is of no Weight... some Opposition, tho’ it proceed not entirely from a public Spirit, is not only necessary in free Government of great Service to the Public. Parties are a check upon one another, and by keeping the Ambition of one another within Bounds, serve to maintain the public Liberty. Opposition is the Life and Soul of public Zeal, which without it would flag, and decay for want of an Opportunity to exert itself. It rouses and animates the Heart, raises Emulation, quickens and improves the Capacity, gives Birth often to national Integrity, and instead of clogging, regulates and keeps in their just and proper Motion the Wheels of Government.”

This notice printed in 1734 from the New York Gazette shows how far from grace America has fallen. The liberal Obama administration wants to restrain conservative opposition employing name-calling. Liberal opposition from radicals in the 1960's was OK but today protests must be quashed. Talk radio, conservative newsprint and politicians antithetic to current liberal policies must be silenced. Has the Obama’s administration no other goal than that of absolute power as stated above? Opposition was the life and soul of public zeal in 1734 designed to preserve liberty not tyranny. Why is it not in its proper place today?


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