Tuesday, November 10, 2009


The ultimate contradiction, humbug, that “gets my goat” every time I encounter its bogus, politicized agenda is... ta dah ... the fight against obesity. Who out there feels the same rational anger as I when you read that “Instead of hoping that individuals can muster the self-discipline or common sense on their own to avoid processed foods, fast food and days without physical exercise, the idea is that governments must actively work to change environments and reduce the menu of harmful options available in everyday life.”

This soft dictatorship of nanny government is simultaneously contradicted by the words and agenda of its supporters and implementors. “If something sweet gives you pleasure, then it’s not forbidden,” says a coordinator for a program to cut obesity in a town in northern France. She continues, “The point is not to stigmatize foods. It’s to do things in moderation.”

NOTE the contradiction between pointing out evil foods and admitting foods should not be stigmatized because the solution is MODERATION. Duh, any fool knows that any food is good.
Oh the agony knowing that we rational beings are being defeated outright by the liberal gift of lies and contradictions. Reality is irrelevant to the liberal agenda. I am always reminded of Winston (as in Churchill). He proves to me that genius as well as longevity depends upon genetics. Smoking, drinking, avoiding exercise (except for walking) and eating immoderately did not, thank goodness, keep Winston from strutting upon the world’s stage as he bettered it in countless ways.

Yes, common sense tells us that moderation and selectivity in food and drink choices will do the trick to stave off obesity (though some morphologies will be thicker than others). Calories, not exercise, is the determining factor. And man is still a free agent. Taking away his free will reduces his humanity not his waistline.


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