Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Whose extinction?

Here’s a lie and the liar who tells a big one. Pity the hapless birds. Betsy Loyless, in charge of SVP policy (?) from the National Audubon Society in Washington comments on the "legitimate concerns about the threat of wind turbines to bird populations," by answering that she does not defend "a fossil fuel status quo that poses far greater risks; it lies instead in improved site selection and design for green energy facilities." Having drunk the global warming kool-aid, Betsy throws out reason in order to substitute her liberal agenda that justifies the lethal wind turbines. When she says that "consultations between energy and wildlife experts can steer wind turbines away from major flyways and designated Important Bird Areas and toward lands with huge wind potential but far less habitat value,"any idiot like myself can counter with the objection that only nature, not man, determines where sufficient wind blows to justify a wind turbine. Nature, stupid. With her reason blown into the wind and lost to the global warming and fossil fuel agenda, Betsy continues that "the status quo of oil and coal development has already destroyed or degraded countless acres of habitat essential to birds, wildlife and healthy communities. You don’t see the carcasses, but the toll is undeniable and increasing. Meanwhile, fossil fuel-driven climate change ( ffdc) is already disrupting migratory and nesting patterns around the world." Really. Has she consulted scientific data lately about the present numbers of birds and mammals (and insects and amphibians)? A liberal bird lover (?) is apparently willing to throw birds into the turbines by saying that "If not addressed, scientists predict it ( ffdc above) will drive entire species to extinction; that’s far worse than the threat from any wind turbine." Any idiot like myself knows it’s time for nature to exact her sweet revenge by somehow driving all emotionally delusive liars into extinction.


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