Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Back again

Those days are gone forever that Lieutenant General Lewis B. (Chesty) Puller, USMC in 1953 glorified when he said: " The days of eloquent speeches and oratory are outmoded. What the public wants and demands today are sincere statements and facts from men who have the experience and the knowledge of what they are talking of."

Au contraire! Our President and leader speechifies eloquently (according to his worshipers). Yesterday he addressed the Unions in his thrall, today he’ll be heard by public school children across America and tomorrow he stands before the Joint Session of Congress. Obama personifies what Chesty abhorred - the elitism of the disconnected from reality on the ground. Speechifying constitutes the entity we now call our national leader. 27 speeches on his health care agenda, 92 speeches in which it figures prominently are examples enough. When will those days come back again that a simple, fighting Marine championed? Whenever a Chesty like Sarah Palin talks to the ‘other’ half of America that understands implicitly the value of ideas and truths expressed clearly to an audience exercising reason and common sense - the media and elites demonize her as old-fashioned and out-of-touch.

Au contraire! Ours is a country bifurcated, divided, divisive, separated into a pro or con slavery-like debate over a pro or con liberal Washington rule. Chesty realized that traditional Christian values, honest work and personal integrity counted for greatness. Our nation’s youth he contended throughout his life, are "as good as their fathers and grandfathers..." If they have "the proper leadership on high levels, we’ll never have anything to fear..." He asked that we Americans "leave your sons alone and let them grow to be MEN." He believed that actions trump words.

Consistency trumps showmanship. Marching to the tune of one’s personal drummer trumps the cacaphony of consistent contradictions as evidenced by our President Obama. Is America on the path to becoming a sissified Obamaland?
Au contraire!


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