Friday, August 28, 2009

Kennedy hysteria

Clan as in a united group of relatives or families (from Gaelic) or as in Ku Klux Klan, a modern secret society? The Kennedy clan question is open-ended. Their clan’s future depends upon the media’s worshipful coverage of Edward Kennedy’s passing and upon the public's purposeful ignorance of liberal deceptions and intentions. The media and the liberal elite have attempted to create a Princess Di ‘moment’ out of Ted Kennedy’s death, but they are being thwarted by ‘realistic’ pundits. I don't ( and you shouldn't) allow the fact that police officers at Ted Kennedy's funeral wore black round their badges to influence my correct appraisal of the 'last lion's' negative contributions to American politics and culture. Ditto for the Kennedy clan.

The Cash for Clunkers program only boosted consumer spending by .2%. How many people know that this is virtually no boost at all? How many people understand that waste and debt defeat responsible self-interest? How many people can define self-interest in terms of a good? When Hans Morgenthau said that the world was replete with contingency and irrationality, he referred to the art and science of diplomacy on the global stage. Yet contingency and irrationality are universal problems related to the liberal agenda and to the American populace in their worshipful shows.


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