Monday, April 20, 2009

Antecedent to Columbine

He and his troops were coming to "vomit on the politics of joy. ... We’re going to wipe you out. We’re going to kill you... We’re going to take you into a dark alley and you’re never going to come out." This was said in Chicago,1968, by the terrorist leader, Tom Hayden. However, none of the participants in these revolutionary maneuvers came to grief. In fact, many entered mainstream society and academia; one of them befriended our new President, Barack Obama.

In 1999, two nutcase students at Columbine University rampaged, killing 12 students and a teacher. Since then, the school (and the country by extension) has done nothing but wallow in grief. On this the 10th anniversary of the massacre, classes have been canceled and a memorial is being held. No talk of fixing the problems that led to this tragedy will be heard.

Lesson learning has been absent all these terrible years since the 60's. Grief that knows no shame stymies learning about corrective measures for atrocities. In fact, parents still blab over the Internet about their faults and rage fantasies without embarrassment. Radicals from the 60's and 70's remain unrepentant in their behavior, proud of their legitimate status in society. Today yet another story emerges, a familiar scenario nowadays, of a ... (you fill in the town) man who kills his wife ( girlfriend or relative ) and ... children (you fill in the number). Yet our culture simply reports these horrors and just accepts such shameful crimes.

Living in Obamaland offers no relief. There’s no new Deal. We’re replaying the Old Deal with its tolerance ( even embrace) of liberalism (progressivism) which per se must remain non-judgmental. If life is the sum of what we focus on, America has not learned from its past mistakes. We loll in the sensational, the anti-establishment, the outrageous, the immoral, the shameless, the sad. We make no attempts to change or suggest changes to our culture of death.


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