Wednesday, November 12, 2008

non compos mentis

When the earth’s evolutionary process reached 10,000 B.C., with the Neolithic Age, early thought development began. Eventually, language, the instrument of thought branched out into about 9 language differentiations. As for me, only one word is necessary to describe America today. Previous to today, my favorite four-letter word was ‘crap.’ Liberal crap which lies deep and disturbing everywhere you look. But for some reason when I heard that 52% of a local district’s grammar and high school children qualify for reduced cost lunch program - I lost it. I chucked my favorite mantra of liberal ‘crap,’ liberal ‘crap’ and replaced it with my backup player which has been patiently waiting on the sidelines for just the right moment to be broken into play. ‘Insanity,’ ‘insanity,’ pure ‘insanity.’

‘Crap’ implies that no mental process is required but ‘insane’ implies a rejection of or loss of sanity and common sense that is virtually irretrievable and per se, not repeatable like ‘crap.’ Liberal insanity is a permanent pathological condition characterized by of world view contrary to reality and incapable of rational thought. When ½ of Americans are non compos mentis (Latin for out of their minds) in their adoration of President-elect Barack Obama and are deaf, dumb and blind to his living breathing core, what can America expect? These Americans are oblivious, of course, to Obama’s: Elitism ( 2 private jets to take him and his wife separately to the White House meeting with President Bush and lobster and champagne in a 4-star hotel suite), liberalism (government control, bailouts, funding, programs, subsidies, lunch programs and the chronic excuse of victimhood and racism ) socialism (penalizing and discouraging wealth building by demanding a leveler playing field for non-achievers) politically correctness ( boy and girl winners and multiple categories for contests, pageants or competitions), hedonism ( the mania of physical fitness superficiality) and unprincipled decisions (in his selection of associates and political dealings.

You’re right, I don’t like Obama - his behavior patterns, his core beliefs, his prospects as our future leader. Your’re wrong - if you think I’ll transform my core to conform to any of the ‘insanity’ that swirls around me now or ever.


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