Wednesday, November 05, 2008


On May 26, 1896, Nicholas II of Russia was crowned: Tsar, Emperor, Autocrat, Lord, Grand Duke, Prince, Sovereign, Heir and Duke. Yet the October revolution of 1917 deposed him and eventually led to the assassination of him and his entire family in 1918. Lenin and Marx inspired the Communist revolution; a follower of Lenin, Kerensky, talked about Lenin’s "deliberately and cruelly mutilating Russia."

November 4, 2008, America’s sheeple spoke and with blind devotion, elected Barrack Obama as their the new Messiah of change. What will he ‘do’ to my beloved country? Are his devotees not the same Americans who maligned and insulted their duly elected President George W. Bush for 8 years? A president who never lost faith in America or her people and protected her citizens from another terrorist attack after 9/11? A President who endured shameful, cruel displays of liberal, leftist arrogance and weakness? How long will the bloom last on the Obamericans’ blushing rose?

A salesman and con-artist, Barrack Obama, is adept at cheating and deception who occupies a Marxist, Leninist and socialist suit, just succeeded in mesmerizing 62 million Americans into voting for him. The rationale, of course, is that Obama is both a redemption figure not a demagogue, crook and dictator. Yet to his fellow travelers Obama is their "demagogue, crook and dictator - right or wrong." Blind, impassioned embrace can see no evil. Sheeple in today’s wimp and whine world have gotten what they bleated for. Will they reap less or more than what they have sown?

Abraham Lincoln suggests a way for America to extricate herself from her present sorry state of affairs. "We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we will save our country." Good luck. America as a nation, Europeanized and socialized under Obama, will pursue a declining position on the world stage. I suspect it may take 4 or 8 years, perhaps even a generation or two, for the rosy, ill-fitting, liberal glasses to be discarded by now smitten Americans. Perhaps never because a leader like Obama with a vapid, bounce-ball, fitness conscious brain, cannot be at all good.


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