Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Pigeon time

The pigeons have come home to roost. Whence do they come back across the lane from my home today, election day, November 4, 2008? I saw each bird (of two) pirouetting 360 degrees on the roof of my neighbor’s barn early on this beautiful, sunny morning with a clear blue sky overhead and metaphorical dark clouds on the horizon as voters take to the polls to finalize America’s turn to the socialist left. Obama’s victory could not be termed a tragedy. As columnist Bret Stephens writes today in the WJS, a tragedy implies no evil or villainy, assigns no blame, prescribes no remedy other than healing. Obama’s emotional Marxist call to arms has been planned and executed? It cannot be dismissed as just irrationality and the tragedy of a willfully uninformed populace. No, innocence or victim hood cannot be claimed by those who have allowed the dark Messiah to claim his reign (if successful) over a brave new world. Roosting and cooing, have the pigeons have come home to roost? I await the election results.


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