Saturday, July 12, 2008

Poisoned water

A conservative writes,"You can lead a liberal to knowledge, but you can’t make one think." This clever turn of the motto, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink," reminds us that liberals never ‘see’ the truth. Their world view, being inverted, sees only the negative, the dismal, the doom and gloom which can only be solved by more government intervention. The German economist, Friedrich Hayek writes that government intervention in citizens’ lives, never forestalls inflation, unemployment, a recession or a depression. Only freedom, economic and personal responsibility, provides the long term solution. Socialistic solutions from liberals depend upon governmental intrusion and regulations, subsidies, higher taxes, bail-outs, and penalties. Perceive (think) these negatives act as positives. Why would anyone want to be ‘left’ with a foul taste in his or her mouth after sucking up the poisoned (pessimistic) water from the liberal trough? Apparently millions of voters do because Barack Obama has avid supporters in his bid for the Presidency 2008.


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