Friday, February 08, 2008

Miracle of renewal

Remember the 4 freedoms? Not those from Franklin D. Roosevelt, but mine. Americans are free to spend reasonably, save responsibly, choose morally and behave rationally. Too bad our Utilitarian States of America are in need of a miracle of renewal. Some with more money than brains have contributed 180 million dollars to sponsor the Presidential campaigns of Hellary and Barak. Others along with politicians have fostered initiatives to deprive Americans of their right to smoke maintaining the pretense that cigarettes and second-hand smoke cause death in epic proportions. (Parenthetically, only a mere 5.4 million people in the world, out of a population of billions, annually die prematurely from tobacco-related causes). Television continues to offer programs such as Battle of the Bods and Deal or No Deal which reflect the shallowness and narcissism of our culture. (Parenthetically, whenever an image award is up for grabs, such as between Super Bowl commercials, an animal always comes out looking best.) Nevertheless, human beings, merely animals encased in skin, never cease to compete amongst themselves. Obsession with the superficial still means that Americans do not opt for meaningful, retail or recreational purchases, do not stash away an investment nest egg, do not punch the remote control to change channels when legal porn flashes on the screen and do not engage their brains before tapping into their feelings in the voting booth or elsewhere. The loss of financial and moral security and responsibility sums up the need for a miracle of renewal.


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