Wednesday, January 30, 2008

No canaille allowed

Early in 2008, The Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Anglican Church, promotes a law for England in which, "The legal provision should keep before our eyes the general risk of debasing public controversy by thoughtless and, even if unintentionally, cruel styles of speaking and acting." So much for free thought. Luckily, only 3% of Britains attend church but the law would apply to everyone. Luckily Britain is isolated from Europe and the rest of the world by bodies of water. Yet, tragically, this religious leader expresses the perverted belief that Christ was the first Communist who preached his ‘religion’ of equality, brotherhood and justice for all. One drawback mars this Utopian, Christian, Communist, dream - the perversion of its meaning. Why does the Anglican Church choose misinterpretation? Why does the Bishop degree suppression? For generations B.C. and for generations after the establishment of Christianity, no canaille were allowed under repressive regimes. During the French and Russian Revolutions and the Cultural Revolution in China, for examples, ‘ Thou shalt not offend anyone by thought, word or deed was the cardinal commandment.’ Today, Muslim extremists ride forth with sword in hand on their current Jihad, threatening Britain’s and the heathen world’s order. Consequently, compromise and capitulation drive Britain’s political and cultural agenda. Walt Disney’s Lion King sang about the circle of life. The perverted religion of political correctness rears its ugly head and its ideology comes full circle from egalitarianism, Marxism and Communism. No speech or thought from the rabble will be allowed. Off with the infidels’ heads, the Muslims degree! Pull in you’re heads, the Britains agree!


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