Monday, January 28, 2008

Our cultural revoution

If I lived in China in 1969 during the Cultural Revolution, this blog would not be allowed. The four olds - thought, custom, culture and morals would be in the process of being destroyed. The Chinese people put up with it - often gladly - even though they had no choice. They learned never to give an opinion on anything because it might be suspect. Here in the great U.S. of A., fortunately, no old thought, custom, culture or moral has been discarded. Rather the idea, the tradition, behavior pattern and ethical utilitarianism - unite when it comes to a ‘freebie.’ Government project after government project, politicians tell us citizens, "cost nothing. SHIP, Senior Housing Inspection Project "won’t cost seniors anything either, a local mayor says. The expense to the taxpayers is ignored in America, because ignorance is bliss.

In a free market company, Exxon Mobil, continues to find new sources of oil to more efficiently power our millions of cars. Simultaneously, government, a closed market system, re-allocates monies from those who pay to those who don’t (which include many senior citizens). Such a tactic imitates the socialistic goal of the Chinese communists to create a dictatorship of the proletariat. In reality, however, only a dictatorship of the ruling class presided over the masses.

Now we have the tax rebate package to jump start the economy. The taxpayers continue to fund giveaways to those who do not pay taxes even though those who do not pay are not legitimately poor. Redistribution of wealth in America is another version of a Cultural Revolution.


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