Saturday, February 02, 2008

Eat meat

Conspiracy theories tell more about their authors than about their subjects. Those who buy into a redesigning of reality should be shunned. The conspiracy theories about JFK’s death were nurtured mostly by liberals desperate to find an explanation for the murder by an avowed Marxist. For conspiracy nuts, occasional acts of evil just cannot be admitted to exist. Searches for a conspiracy have revolved around the death of JFK and of Lincoln, UFO cover-up’s, Blacks, the End Time, White Supremacy and even witches in pilgrim Salem. Backward, forward and today, liberal paranoia animates the conspiracy theorists. With the advent of the Internet, they have new venues over which to spit their venom. Extreme, left-wing political sites, and the blog, Kos. keep alive the tradition. Unrealistic conclusions and actions characterize the conspiracy mongering of liberals. A recent book about food, by Michael Pollan, a liberal, suggests the solution to the age-old quest of the omnivore: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." As usual a liberal strikes out by getting 2/3rds of the answer wrong. Mr. Pollen assumes that there is a modern conspiracy between the food industry and carnivores. His advice to ‘Eat food’ sounds rational. But ‘Not too much’ is purely counter-intuitive. ‘Mostly plants’ is anti-human biology. One can now understand why liberal’s conspiracy theories will never die.


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