Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Guilty as hell

"Guilty as hell; free as a bird - America is a great country." The tragic irony of this statement should not be lost on us who know better. It was spoken about a Leftist terrorist of the 1960's. The cover-up did not change in the 70's. In the 80's an unrepentant follower of the revolutionary Black Panthers wrote an essay, The Big Chill: How the Reagan Administration, Corporate America, and Religious Conservatives are Subverting Free Speech and the Public’s Right to Know. What we do know, unfortunately is that the lies of the Left persisted through the 90's. Lies on the Left have always demonstrated an intellectual and moral death. Even though radical followers of Marxism, Communism and Socialism were violent and revolutionary in nature, their bad actions were and still are excused because their hearts are in the right place because the inheritors of this tradition are the liberal leftists of today. There are no excuses for hearts in darkness. David Horowitz, a convert from the radical communist and socialist movement, reminds us that "Socialism makes men poor beyond their wildest dreams." So why then, has the liberal Left not gone away? Why does it persist in its attempt to turn its dream of an American socialist state into reality? In the upcoming election, Republican candidates for President believe that the two prominent issues affecting the future of America are 1. Terrorism and 2. Socialism. No doubt, the liberals on the left espouse universal health care, redistribution of wealth, eradication of religion in the public sphere, regulation of free enterprise, restriction of free choice - all 1960's redux. If Democrats take the White House in 2008, the dictatorship will come not from the proletariat, but from the wealthy, liberal, socialist elites.


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