Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Fullfillment of expectation

Schools are closed. A teeny amount of snow fell. Because all of the lawyers have not been killed as suggested by Shylock, districts cannot take the chance of litigation if some bus on its route suffers an accident. So schools are do dismissed. Will the freed students fight back against the obesity epidemic by running amok outdoors -or indoors - on a day free of studies? Or will they study? Actually they have no time for studies because sports venues and gaming times are rarely canceled. due to bad weather and homework is routinely not undertaken.

In addition to P/E classes a local school district sponsors an exercise program from a local health center. The idea is to teach wellness, to get the students to understand that raising their heart rates will lower their blood pressures. They are reminded that a good thing like exercise can be "a lifelong adventure." Nothing gets my heart rate up like rage over a stupid, inhuman and inhumane idea like the life-saving value of exercise.

"What is missing, ..., from contemporary American popular ... culture are the grace, the wit, the worldly wise honesty and irony, and the expectations of romantic fulfillment." A jazz journalist’s observation applies music. I apply it to reading. An unfit mind is a terrible thing. Its lack of exercise is a terrible waste. When schools are closed, what amount of freed brainpower will engaged on this snowy day behind the pages of a good book? On the treadmill of words, human beings with the unique ability to think can experience grace, wit, honesty, irony and romantic fulfillment. Oh how I wish!


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