Monday, June 01, 2020


Today we need a joke so here goes. Continually advertised on the radio is focused linear compression therapy (FCLT) for ED. What could that possibly be? Think. I know - fellatio (a blow job). Passing this daily nonsense, let's address the news that our Mayor has designated racism as a "public health crisis"  Really. And not to be outdone for nonsense, another ad on the radio says your AC becomes less effective each year you use it. I have a window unit AC that is 17 years old and going as strong each night as the 1st night I used it - with no help from a service technician. The new meme is police brutality no matter what. Words fail me to express my displeasure over how much power the police have assumed (in both fire power and policing prpcedures) over the past few years. Could it be that our society has so debased itself with criminality that such actions have been necessary? Shame on America. 


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