Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Without Congressional or Constitutional explanation or authorization, Pres. Obama SAYS

“There was another thing Bourke Cockran used to say to me. I cannot remember his actual words, but they amounted to this: ‘In a society where there is a democratic tolerance and freedom under the law, many kinds of evils will crop up, but give them a little time and they usually breed their own cure.’ There is no country in the world where the process of self-criticism and self-correction is more active than in the United States “ So said Winston Churchill in a speech at the University of Rochester, NY, reported in the TIMES of London, April 10, 1954. Yes, Winston wanted to praise and express gratitude to our country. Yes, he was an optimist who believed in carrying a big stick, but that was then and now is NOW. Without Congressional or Constitutional explanation or authorization, Pres. Obama SAYS he will kill with drone strikes any American on foreign soil deemed a threat to the United States. When will this evil self-correct? Have we lost our democratic tolerance? I think about the Tea Party being demonized and marginalized. Have we not lost many of our freedoms under this liberal, Obama administration? How long until we self-correct or still possess the ability to self-correct?


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