Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Why You Should Be Attending The Tea Party

Why You Should Be Attending The Tea Party Meeting Kasich’s Cave on Obamacare Shows how hard it is to beat big government From: The Washington Examiner Philip Klein Kasich’s cave on Obamacare shows how hard it is to beat big government. Gov. John Kasich, who campaigned as a limited government Republican, on Monday announced that he would implement one of the costliest provisions of President Obama’s health care law by expanding the state’s Medicaid program. His decision, a huge victory for the White House that will provide cover for more Republican governors to do the same, serves as a great case study on how difficult it is to impede the growth of government. Whatever justifications Kasich may give, the actual explanation for his embrace of the Medicaid expansion is political cowardice. ... The end result is that a politician who ran for office claiming to have been “in the Tea Party before there was a Tea Party” is now actively embracing a policy that the Tea Party movement was born to oppose. DOES KASICH SPEAK FOR YOU? ONLY THE TEA PARTY STANDS FOR LIMITED GOVERNMENT JOIN US TO BE HEARD ON FEDERAL & LOCAL TAXES


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