Thursday, October 20, 2011

The killing field

Jack Hanna ( from Columbus Zoo's past) echoed my sentiment when on Tues. and Wed. Oct. 18th and 19th in Zanesville, Ohio he spoke of the "unspeakable tragedy" that unfolded on that killing field. 50 beautiful captive, gifts of God - bears, lions, tigers, wolves - massacred because an evil madman opened their cages to 'freedom' and death. Yes, the devil proudly flapped his wings for another triumph over reason. I guess I don't really care to dwell too long upon the sadness of man's inhumaneness to animals but rather reflect briefly on the wisdom of the little prince of St. Exupery who said: "We are responsible forever for what we have tamed." The man who released his 'charges' to their fate and then killed himself, will pay for his crime forever. He opened for himself the Gates of Hell on that day of "unspeakable tragedy."


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