Wednesday, October 12, 2011


In a local newpaper, a headline reminds me, "You are what you eat." Or don't. No way. Not if you have no choice of entrees. Thanks to the Federal government's meddling, it is "mandated that all schools must serve healthier lunches." Thanks too to the perverted nature of all things Michele and Barack Obama, the devil hides in the details. Yes, a salad bar has been added resulting in the lunch line costing 10% more. Yes, fried is out and baked in for chips. Yes, all milk will be fat free. No, no longer will candy, ice cream or the enormous 2,000 calorie chocolate muffins be sold. But because no is never no and nothing has an expiration date for liberals, breakfast pizza is still IN. What's the point of such nonsense and contradiction other than more waste of taxpayers' monies for the sake of saving the children from obestity? If freedom still rang the bell of our nation's schools, each parent would be expected to exhibit personal responsibility and pack his or her own child's lunch. At least obesity agenda would not be at taxpayers' expense.


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