Sunday, October 16, 2011

Guess who?

Guess who?
"All space is filled with wondrous things,
Unseen by human eye.
Before us hover queens and kings,
With realms that float and fly.
It was wise of them to make a choice,
And decide to remain invisible,
For early in the game they found,
To be seen is to be divisible.
Finding the world is full of hate,
Afflicting alike the small, the great,
Knowing no bounds or social stations,
Enveloping towns, destroying nations,
Refusing all manner of Christian teaching,
Laughing aloud at the earnest beseeching
Of thoughtful men in thankless jobs;
Cynically calling them deluded slobs,
For presuming to hold that The Christ is living,
And all that's good is of God's own giving."

Does this have the ring of conservative thinking? A few more hints:
"I believe in my bones that my going from the liberal stance to the conservative was a totally natural reaction once I began to see the undisciplined elments in our country stimulating a breakdown of our system. From what I've seen of the liberal attitudes toward the young and permissive attitudes in the schools, and everybody pulling every which way from center,I consider these all inimical to the health of our nation. Those functionless creatures, the hippies, for example, just don't appear out of a vacuum. A few words came to me one day about their curious lethargy:
'Disturb not their fixed, eternal placidity,
Don't delay their rambling rush to nowhere,
Their need for nothing, non-requires validity,
Their boat is void demanding they go where
Nothin's a must and nothing's a rule,
Just to live and breathe and stare and stool.'
Finally, my mystery writer says: "To repeat, people like this just don't happen. I blame much of our problems with today's youth on the liberal boys, the gang with no fixed views of things, no absolutes."

James Cagney then writes: " I can now consider myself an archconservative."
Amen, I say, and may a sense of wonder Cagney treasured, rub off on some lucky, living souls.


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