Monday, June 06, 2011

Man vs. Animal

Basically, man can be happy with good food, good drink and good company. Animals at the top of the evolutionary ladder can only seek food, seek water and pursue solitary or group living. Are we - should we not be - superior to the animals?

Unfortunately, there's now bullying. Where do humans stand with regard to this issue? The Jessica Logan act is up for consideration which was inspired by Jessica hanging herself in her bedroom as a consequence of intolerable bullying, after her nude cell phone photo was sent around her high school. Whoa... 'her nude cell phone photo?' Who took it? Why? Did her mother know? Basically homo sapiens should know what's right, wrong, appropriate or ill-advised thanks to the power of self-awareness and reason. No nude photo, no ridicule, no whispers, no filthy text messages, nothing would have been possible if PPP (proper prior parenting )had existed for Jessica and Jessica herself exercised common sense dear to the survival of the human species.


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