Monday, May 09, 2011


“Yikes!. The contrast!” Between a Nevada Tea Party and a Los Angeles Rally!
“Well, I’m concluding the blatantly obvious here, but…” from a blogger...
A. = Searchlight, NV + tea party rally
B. = Los Angeles, CA + anti-war rally
A. = Patriotic, Peaceful, Apple Pie Americans
B. = Unhinged, Anti-American, SCARY looking LOONS

A. = Bring the weenies and tater salad for a friendly Backyard Barbecue
B. = Bring pepper-spray

A. = Aunt Patty, neighbor Juan, Dad & Mom
B. = Jihad Jane and Hanoi Jane meet Baghdad Bob and Disgruntled Draft-Dodger Dick

A. = I ♥? America
B. = Silence, I KEEL YOU!

It’s Jefferson Davis vs. Abraham Lincoln time again. Taxing the white tanning bed patrons and not calling it racism, condemning the black Menthol cigarette smokers and calling it good for their health. Hypocrisy! Two Americas! The contrast between the two recent assemblies above in contrast is SCARY. Where are we heading? Like the plot and tragedy of ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell, the ruling class of Democrat pigs re-words everything and turns every old rule upside down. Two socialist, marching legs on all of our Washington elite are NOT GOOD. My four-legged dog and cat friends look better and better by acting smarter and smarter each new day.


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