Saturday, March 26, 2011


Disingenuous adj. Not sincere or ingenuous; artful; deceitful
Ingenuous adj. 1. Free from disguise or dissimulation; frank; artless. 2. High-minded; sincere. Synonyms under CANDID, HONEST. Latin ingenuus inborn, natural, from ingignere beget, engender

Take your pick, any definition for disingenuous will do. The word immediately ‘struck’ me upon hearing the big O, our President Obama, justify our intrusion into the revolt in Libya and America’s role in the conflict. Immediately I was off to the big dictionary for confirmation and support. With words resembling instant replays of his regime’s arch-enemies, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, the big O spoke with false sincerity to just another big lie. Why? Liberals lie. Liberals (progressives, socialists, Communists, radicals, etc.,) are not rooted in truth.

As the Latin derivative hints, ingenuity is inborn, begotten, but its opposite, deception is begotten from a lie. Ingenuous becomes disingenuous. The art of the radicals, like Saul Alinsky and the big O requires deceit. The big O no more believes what he says about humanitarian motives in Libya than what he didn’t say he believed about humanitarian aid to Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Israel, Darfur, Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain or now Syria.

The leadership of our beloved country based on disingenuousness scandalizes and saddens me. On any issue. On every issue. What about you?


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