Monday, February 21, 2011


Let’s face it, there may always be two Americas. The big ‘O’ lied about it years ago in his ‘great’ speech at the 2004 Democrat convention and the protesters in Wisconsin demonstrate its reality today. Let’s not get discouraged when we Tea Partiers have the power of truth and they have the power to deceive.

Here’s the status quo. Liberal, socialist and Communist protesters can hold up pictures of Gov. Scott Walker’s children to further their cause and protest at his home BUT if Republicans and conservatives dare duplicate these actions, they will be called ‘bad’ names by the left. The liberals’ hypocrisy betrays them every time. Tom pointed out yesterday at VDH’s (Victor Davis Hanson’s ) web site that this “New Class” is alive and well. The elite who represent the Union members are unable to see reality as they defend the status quo which cannot be sustained.

Here’s the status quo. The “concerns of the Union members” are NOT valid. Wisconsin is 3 billion dollars in the hole and the new rules proposed by the Governor will only create a stopgap remedy over 2 years by raising the health care premium to 12 % and the pension requirement to 5%. The state now runs a 3 billion dollar deficit. State and federal government workers salaries are already 30% higher than in the private sector. The average is about $65,000. Gov. Walker will not let 10,000 protesters tell him what’s right for millions of Wisconsin taxpayers. 30% of teachers send their own children to private schools.

Here’s the status quo. A protester in Wisconsin admits to being a Communist in favor of revolution the likes of which Castro or Che inspired.. Another protester said that “just because you win an election doesn’t mean you can do what you want without consulting anyone.” EXCUSE ME - is this not exactly what our big ‘O’ has done after he said, “I won.”

Here’s the status quo. Ohio has the 7th highest tax structure for individuals and businesses - a blueprint for failure even if we believe that Gov. Kasich’s jobs force for Ohio can do some good. First we need to reduce taxes and regulations.

Here’s the status quo. A great deceiver on the left - George Soros - recently said that we the Tea Party are being deceived! We are being deceived about reducing taxation and regulation! I guess we are supposed to be embracing more taxation and regulation. Poor, poor old George. May I never reach such dotage.

Here’s the status quo. Keep the faith like the Marines who just a few days ago commemorated the invasion of Iwo Jima, Feb 19th, 1945.

Finally, here’s to the new kid on the NASCAR block who at age 20 won the Daytona 500. The 2nd race of his career. ( Even though he cannot use the points he received.) We Tea Party newcomers on the political scene can win too if we follow the advice of Churchill to never, never, never give up.


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