Monday, May 09, 2011


YOU ARE MY REFLECTION IN THE MIRROR You live in literalville like me, a senior citizen, with ideas and ideals that are forever young. We look ahead. Progressives, liberals, socialists, Communists, radicals want YOU to regress to the cave. Common production of goods and services must be shared equally - which never works. So a strong man with a club - government at work - keeps you in line. Their dream unfolding today of state capitalism.

Your face in the mirror is not the face of a fattened pig. What do you see? What does a conservative look like? How does a conservative think? He has the voice of a realist, one wins or loses, there’s real good and evil in the world, whining and not working or complaining instead of toughing it out. He had the heard of a guardian angel, who watches and supports through life but allows him to make his own way, make his own choices how to live. He had the soul of a believer in God, his 10 commandments, which basically champion 1st God, 2nd self determination on the path of righteousness and 3rd devotion to country by informed vote. He thinks like a capitalist because only the free exchange of goods and services, ideas and money moves civilization forward. The law of supply and demand determines an economy, not artificial constraints. The means of production and distribution and wealth reside with the private individual and corporation not the government. The government’s limited function is to keep him safe and free to pursue his own version of happiness within the law. A tyranny of bureaucracy is destructive and must be fought back. A conservative, therefore, never, never, never gives when his cause is right and just. A conservative thinks that too many rules and regulations like an unused rod, spoil the child. He thinks he and other citizens and government should be fiscally responsible, living within the bounds that income imposes.

How can the upward trend of spending and the downward spiral of irresponsible and immoral living, but curtailed? The conservative says the application of common sense.
1. Nature and nature’s God has given us an abundance of natural resources; use them. Develop our own energy resources not artificial and costly, subsidized, cost-ineffective ones.
2. Cut government spending at national, state and local levels by ..... %. Period.
3. Privatize all schools so that they are able to balance their budgets and demand academic excellence. Non-achievement means no privilege of attendance.
4. Close the borders after a limit has been established for immigrants and allow 1st those immigrants waiting a speedy road to citizenship and then those who wish to become citizens a clear path following common sense rules like speaking English, passing a civics test, and no criminal records.
5. Demand fiscal sanity from government eliminating earmarks, pork, perks, etc.
6. Legislation should be pay-as-you-go
7. Return the basis of achievement in private and public workplace to merit.
8. Reduce taxes, both individual income taxes assigning a flat tax across the board and reduce the corporate tax rates too. Eliminate the death tax.
9. Reduce the size of government and government spending at every level.
10. Apply the test of common sense to every major premise and program.
11. Make personal responsibility the basis of daily living.
12. Make the 10 commandments the basis of governance.
13. Make optimism the philosophy of the future.

The perfect is the enemy of the good. We on the conservative side represent the good, the practical, common sense in the real world. The enemy on the other side dreams of the perfect, the Utopian world of non-reality and forced existence. “Red rover, red rover.” Government is a case of necessary waste. How much do we agree to?

Like Walt Whitman, I sing of myself. “If you want to use your own efforts to work harder, yes, I’m with you,” said Margaret Thatcher
“I will permit no man to degrade my soul by making me hate him,” said Booker T. Washington in his book UP FROM SLAVERY “If God does not exist, then everything is permitted.”
If radical Utopia were possible, it would not be necessary to lie and deceive. Liberals have 0 interest in the truth. 14 trillion debt, they just “raise the ceiling.” Leopard can’t change his spots, even a black panther merely wears them camouflaged. There are some liberal brains impervious to experience. Liberalism is tolerance run amok.

Conservatives do not hide behind words with double or hidden meanings or false ideas or ideals.
Conservatives do not shift the subject, ignore the facts or name call. Oh, do these behaviors spell s-i-n?

1782 “Letters to an American Farmer,” “We are a people... united by the silken bands of mild government, all respect the laws because... they are equitable.” Hector St. John De Crevecoeur

Make a difference:
State central committee
County central committee
county trustee
city council
school board
tea party meetings

“I am disturbed that stuffed, skin-tight jeans are today’s expression of self-esteem”

Take country back from the ground up... only boots on the ground walking and greeting people, drawing them in...Be the aggressors It’s a war of position.

Victims of oppression are defenseless animals, don’t free them and give them human rights; educate people so that animal abuse is lessened. Always a new case of starving, dead animals ... Who can bear to ponder such suffering of innocents? Beginning 20th century. Wilson, FDR, LBJ and Teddy created the left wing which encouraged power of governmental intervention to promote unions, health care, social liberalism and the social Gospel to rid world of social evils. The RESULT: liquor, crime, social tensions, slums, bad hygiene, child labor, weak unions, poor schools, war...

1970's a NEW CLASS emerging of intellectual elites who manipulate ideas and words. They rarely have practical experience, an “absence of direct responsibility for practical affairs... of 1st hand knowledge ... only actual experience can give,” said 1950 J.S. Schumpeter

NEW CLASS rationalism, optimism, activism, are source of liberal and radical political actions of new class. Expansion of public sector. A revolutionary dictatorship of a coercive elite vs. democratic government. Power of New class wants to bring society into their vision, a culture into conformity, personality into their world. Reality is not literal; it is figurative, symbolic, a metaphor of the ideal state.

Lenin said “state capitalism is the ante-chamber of socialism.” He also said “the state is a club.” Capitalism must be 1st step Then socialism. Then Communism 3 types of Communists exist
1. True fanatic/ power -holder (leaders)
2. Idealist (duped followers and voters)
3. Careerist (fellow travelers)

We are the ones we have been waiting for” All causes the cause is POWER Communists rebel against Gods, “you shall be as gods,” they believe. As the enemy he is the “destroyer of a system.” He tempted Adam and Eve to be gods. Alinsky’s rule is to accept the world as it is and change it to how it should be, Play God. Relativism is the rule. He said, “Any revolutionary chance must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people.” Political activism is nihilistic, agnostic view of means & ends, relativism from Communists, Democrats, anarchists, racists, liberals, social justice activists
Rules for radicals like Obama in 1986 @ 23 years Side Chicago to organize learn apply Alinsky’s philosophy of street level democracy 1991 he ran voter-registration drive for ACORN partner Michelle said he’s a “community activist exploring viability of politics to make change.”
Hope/change The Audacity of Hope Dress up as something to be revered like angels and then change, “just say no, just say no.” at liberal rallies.

Government is ‘necessary waste.’ Only the big three can save us - Your focus is God, self and country. Your actions center around Herman Cain’s big 3 for action I-I-I stay informed, stay involved and stay inspired.


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