Friday, August 06, 2010

Two Americas Now

We’re out here, the other America. We who work hard to pay for our homes. We who arrive at a work site each day whether outside at 100 degrees or indoors with a chill warranting a sweater. We want to be allowed to make our own choices, both good and bad, as we pursue happiness, perhaps a dream. We are the 71% of Missourians who recently voted against a requirement that Americans must purchase health care under Obama’s new law. We are the 70% of Americans who describe themselves as conservatives and moderates as opposed to a 20% of self-described liberals. We are the majority voters in California whose will, through a constitutional amendment to disallow gay marriage was turned down by a gay judge’s ruling that included a postscript calling us bigots and homophobes. We are realists who can label murderers and terrorists properly instead of excusing them as victims or misunderstood. Many of us have attended Tea Party rallies across the country for over two years but we remain in the shadows of media coverage, ignored unless a vocal politician accuses us of racism ( no matter that blacks and whites stand together at our patriotic events). We say to Washington, “Enough. We’re out here and we will be heard.”

They are also out there, the liberals, pock marking the landscape. They wield ‘hope and change’ transformational power like a club. They include politicians, judges, lawyers, professors, union leaders and activists. Their power allows them to rule as detached elitists and nannies. Their privileged salaries, health benefits and retirement packages outdistance ours, but they know they deserve them even though paid for by other taxpayers and their descendants.

They really know how to live - and flaunt it. Let’s begin at the top with First Lady, Michelle, who like a fairy queen with her entourage, rather than vacationing on the devastated Gulf Coast, jetted to Spain with 60 people to settle into 40 rooms in the best hotel charging as much as $2,500 a night per person. Not to be outdone, by hypocritical example, President Obama, back home, partied with Oprah Winfrey in Chicago for his birthday. Remember the unemployment rate is at 9.5%. We don’t begrudge Obama a personal bash but we take umbrage in the fact that his official trip to a Chicago Ford automobile manufacturing plant and two other plants was used to justify as official business both his party and his 2 fund-raising campaign stops. Pretty clever! Clever too is our President taking credit for the 400 million dollar investment by Ford to dump the Taurus and manufacture an ‘energy efficient’ SUV.. We are not fooled when Obama claims the public wants to scrunch uncomfortably into an electric beetle with a radius of a mere 40 miles instead of galloping along the highway on a chivalrous horse with shiny appointments. What happens to the electrical charge when the AC or Heater kicks in?

For the first time in our history, their over-spending has taken our country into a trillion dollar debt. Each American’s share of the debt is over $100,000. Today 400 million for border security and drones. Yesterday, billions of ear marks in the recent stimulus bill to benefit thousands of favored causes of politicians. They (Congress) have just authorized 600 million dollars, of which 127 million will land in Ohio, to help homeowners stay in their homes. The program will help about 18,500 people. Do the math! What would you do with $7,000? Rest assured, the homeowners bailed out this time who couldn’t afford their homes the 1st time, will default again after their windfall disappears, exactly what happened in the first round of bailouts.

They appoint czars who advocate taxing ‘junk’ foods and drinks. If you like it, it’s ‘unhealthy’ and must be taxed. They are out to seize your bottle of Mountain Dew. As Michelle Obama said recently “they won’t like it but they will get used to drinking water.”

We choose our Mountain Dew. For many people, it is the ‘green’ drink of choice. The elites, however, want it punished. They have already punished cigarettes, tanning parlors, salt and trans fats. Can anyone tell me what food trans fats ever invaded before its regulatory demise? I bet many a particular tasty treat from my childhood harbored the culprit, trans fat.

The Tea Party Movement stands for choice, personal responsibility, limited government and freedom in the market place. Passionate and persistent, we hope to re-claim a country that once was ours. We need to vote the ‘losers’ out. The Fayette County Tea Party Committee could put us on the map along with millions of other friendly, civilly obedient, concerned citizens. If interested email to inquire about an upcoming Tea Party meeting. Your special talents will be appreciated.


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