Saturday, July 17, 2010

Just Desserts

Does a child have a ‘right’ to dessert? A right emanates from a law of nature and nature’s God. Yes, a child of nature and God has a right to a dessert. But with a right comes a duty. Of course. The child’s duty requires that she/he not abuse the right but use it within the boundary of a good. Too philosophical? Michele Obama simplifies the parenting lie for her unwise subjects by telling us that a child does not have a right to a dessert. She/he will get ‘used’ to it just like she/he will get ‘used’ to water instead of a sugary drink. Now as I have repeatedly stated, unless the major premise is true, all else that follows is false. Common sense rendered uncommon leads to this snobbish, liberal, elitist, do-gooder thinking and dictatorial, unwise, parenting. Remember with me if you can, the old days when every manner of evil, sweet, fattening and tasty victual and drink made possible, was permissible. Except to excess. To live in or re-live the past, that today is a consecration devoutly to be wished, Romeo and Juliet as delicious food and me. Michele Obama ought to know this fact; instead she scolds. She who was never proud of her country until the political possibility of fame and fortune came her way via an appealing fraud.

Of course, just because there is a right to dessert there is no duty on anyone to give it to you.


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