Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Truth to the Lie

From someone in the liberal world, where reality is reversed, I borrow a phrase from the friend of Thomas Frank, political commentator. Whether in context or not, the quote reminds me that we live in a time that involves a “broad re-education in villainy.”

The villain, in truth, is liberalism, a powerful and politically motivated ideology designed to “fundamentally transform” America into some version of a Communist, socialist, European, politically correct and progressive country. The villainy indeed intends for sweeping effects. I use the example of a frequent guest of our President, the big O, Andy Stern from SEIU, the service employees’ union who puts out a whopper of a lie:

“The market-worshiping, privatizing, de-regulating, dehumanizing, American financial plan has failed and should never be revived.”

Here are the self-evident truths which, of course, any true liberal sees as lies. Without “market-worshiping,” the present level of spoiled, civilized living here and around the world for more people than any other time in history would not have been reached. Without “privatizing” property and enterprise (in spite of the human propensity for greed and gaming systems), greater wealth for the greatest number on earth would not now be possible. Without a minimum (not maximum) of regulations by government, without speculation and dreaming from entrepreneurs, how could any person hope to succeed? Rather than governing with the “dehumanizing” tyranny so prevalent in other failed countries in history, America respects human life, liberty and dignity and blesses achievers with exceptional success. Our “financial plan” understood as economic freedom or free enterprise, i.e. capitalism, has not failed.

What failed us Americans because of liberals-in-charge is a government that encouraged debt and irresponsible borrowing while simultaneously threatening financial institutions with dire consequences if they didn’t ‘go along’ with certain programs. Names and faces in Washington responsible for such idiocy and villainy could be posted on Post Office walls.

No, Andy Stern, reality does not correspond to your villainous version of it. Unfortunately every day in some insidious way, Americans are losing their freedoms, being dehumanized, being regulated out of hope and opportunity, punished with mandates to level the playing field for the public good and social justice. I’m scared because too many Americans, unlike me, buy into this vision for our future. If Obama comes to kick my independent, take-care-of-myself-first a.., he’ll find that my derriere is bigger than his and better able to put up one ‘h... of a fight.’


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