Thursday, May 13, 2010


NATO has created a medal of dishonor called the Courageous Restraint Award, honoring the daring-do of a soldier not using his weapon when faced with personal danger. Obviously Western civilization has vomited its guts. This award, alien to common sense, profiles a stance, the opposite of which enabled the winning of world wars, especially World War II, a true world-wide war. Without restraint, the United States, Australia, Great Britain and Russia ( who hands down wins the Red Star medal for aggression) defeated Hitler and the Nazis. True, millions suffered in the process. But Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Italy and especially France, exercised “courageous restraints” in their prosecution of resistance. My suggestion is that NATO award France the 1st posthumous medal for courageous restraint. What once was the Napoleonic empire is long dead and gone.

Unfortunately the world has seen the rise and crescendo of new warriors hell bent on spitting in the face of a NATO’s creative award for cowardice. The unrestrained and downright dangerously courageous Muslim terrorists, specialize in selected terrorist attacks and suicide bombings. No matter the laws, such as in China where guns are forbidden, killings continue apace. Chopping up school children in a mad, terrible, cowardly and uncontrolled rage points out the need for genuine courageous restraint in a rational being. Such a murderer blackens the image of a human soul.


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