Tuesday, December 01, 2009

World AIDS say

My blog on this World AIDS day will necessarily be down and dirty. Columbus, Ohio will be decked out in red on various municipal, government and private buildings in “tribute to those who have lost their lives to AIDS.” Can a more perverted, politically correct misrepresentation and distortion of a moral hazard be imagined.? What good is symbolism? Why not expose, on World AIDS day, the cause and effect of drugging, screwing and queering? Why not speak the truth that blacks in Africa most often contract the disease from a lifestyle of promiscuity and the whites here contract it from homosexual behavior and drug abuse.. Why not define AIDS by the down and dirty promiscuity by which it has always been known? Yes, sympathy for a dying person is a corporal work of mercy, but what about preventing a person from spiritual growth by ignoring the opportunity to morally educate him and prevent his soul from descending into Hell? World AIDS day, AIDS’ concerts over the years, condoms and antiretroviral drug programs are feel good, non-judgmental band aids that won’t fix the problem. Any Bible thumper knows that worshiping a false gods in Sodom and Gomorrah led to dire consequences.

Tim Burton the film maker professes belief in “the haphazard quality that is the real (creative) process.” His films and life have proved he practices what he preaches. Ditto for the hazard of AIDS. The haphazard process of nature secured a curse called AIDS for intravenous drug use and anal and indiscriminate sex. Until and unless some wise and good people preach truth to power, cities will continue to ‘turn red’ for a day and display pictures of babies AIDS free as if these efforts can cure the epidemic.


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