Friday, July 17, 2009


Hypocrisy is defined as feigning, as the false profession of desirable or publically qualities, beliefs or feelings, or as extreme insincerity. Each of these will do when it comes to liberals. Their hypocrisy is especially relevant when it involves an issue of life and death. It defines itself as the false pretense of moral excellence either as cover for actual wrong or for the sake of the credit and advantage attaching to virtue. As hypocrites, they know they dissemble and deliberately mislead. My point is made because they attempt to ban smoking in the military. The soldier who voluntarily puts his life on the line in a combat zone or in unpredictable and dangerous situations, must be prevented from endangering his life by indulging in relaxing, pleasurable - probably compelling - puffs of nicotine? He (she) who volunteers to ‘test’ death in wartime, cannot ‘test’ life in peacetime? So say hypocritical liberals who attempt to legislate away free choice. This galls me. Liberals practice dictatorship under the guise of health concerns. Duplicitous, yes. Pecksniffian, most definitely yes. I wish all liberal do-gooders would be seen as canting, unctuous hypocrites, like Seth Pecksniff in Charles Dickens’ Martin Chuzzlewit.


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