Thursday, July 02, 2009


"The man is truly a superb orator." ... His skill is " in presenting his fait accompli in the most favourable light to his own people while at the same time impressing outside world opinion not only that he is justified in doing what he has done, but that he is a man of peace." Ring any bells? These words of journalist William Shirer echo from Berlin in 1935 about Adolph Hitler. Shirer in 1934 also observed that what "Roosevelt is doing at home seems to smack almost of social and economic revolution."

My one small potato is a giant leap for me this garden season results of planting usually very depressing. But Obama’s giddy resemblance to a dictator like Roosevelt or Hitler is doubly dis-spiriting. I cannot contemplate a triple play in depression by adding to the mix the thought that Michael Jackson, pity his wandering soul, abused prescription drugs.


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