Friday, June 19, 2009

Risky business

All great movements start as a cause, evolve into a business, and end up a racket." writes Eric Hoffer. At what stage is a movement like common sense today? Certainly it is a risky business, to think logically, ask rational questions or behave responsibly. Such behavior puts one into a risky, lonely, denigrated position on the totem pole of American culture.

Obama’s progressive (socialist) cause couched in the language of hope and change has proven to be a hoax, but not enough citizens see through his deceptions, veiled language, hidden meanings and slight of mouth that make him a charismatic master of misdirection. Following Saul Alinski’s injunctions in "Rules for Radicals", Obama is radically changing the direction of our country and altering the principles on which she was founded. He has expressed the language of hope and change as fear, crisis, greed, global warming, growing income inequality, touch economic times (TET), etc. The et cetera can be filled in with virtually any word from the media to characterize the ‘mess’ Obama inherited and the conditions that must be corrected.

A persistent little phoebe repeatedly delivers his/her feebe, feebe, feebe message day and night within my earshot. I can’t make it stop, just like I can’t slow or curb Obama’s freebie, freebie, freebie message that has so enamoured too many Americans. No freebies for the rich but universal freebies for the poor and middle classes. A little birdie tells me this progressive movement (socialism) has advanced beyond cause, into a risky business and will surely end up as a racket.


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