Sunday, January 18, 2009

MMP = NR + H x T

Man’s material progress depends on natural resources plus human energy multiplied by tools. This is the free market formula for the advancement of civilization formulated by Henry Grady Weaver in his wonderful 1947 book, "The Mainspring of Human Progress." With this in mind why should there be a centralized authority to control human energies and run things the way they ‘ought’ to be run? Only an individual can generate and control energy, his own energy, in his own way, to advance his own way of life which incidentally and simultaneously will improve the lives of his fellow human beings. Win-win? On the threshold of the historical elevation of Barack Obama into the White House, it’s fitting to remember that America enters a lose-lose era. Natural resources will be rationed, human energy will be curtailed by regulations and the tools in the work shed with which the work of human progress can continue will be limited. As I’ve noted before, America, "we’re s......"


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