Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do you believe?

Do Americans believe in
A. the land of the free, the home of the brave,
B that life involves ups and downs to be faced, or
C. the pursuit of the impossible dream?
This question was posed this morning by radio talk show host, Glenn Beck. The answer will be played out literally and symbolically this year under the reign of our new President, Barack Obama. He requires motorcades to transport him from A. to B. or C. In contrast, a resident of Minnesota, even during 18 degree below zero snow storms, required only his feet to transport him jogging from A. to B. or C. In the coming year, I’m rooting for the average American, literally free and brave, bobbing on life’s waves and questing, not for a carpetbagger, Obama, from a distant shore symbolizing the hedonistic, elitist and spineless lifestyle of a European.


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