Sunday, January 11, 2009

Gay marriage

Even the title of an editorial by William Collins, "Gay Rights: Sad Progress ", January 10, tell us readers that an agenda will follow. Under the cover of a quote from our Constitution that everyone deserves "equal protection under the law," the Collins expects us to believe that the entire nation as well as his liberally governed Democratic home state of Connecticut favors gay marriage rights by a margin of 53% or more. Doesn’t he distort the concept of majority rule in our democracy? Unfortunately the author misinterprets the basic meaning of equal protection clause which guarantees all citizens equal legal protections to life, liberty and property under the Constitution and laws. Collins wants a new right, Gay Marriage, inserted into the constitution. Although a majority of Americans have already passed judgment, through laws or constitutional amendments, on what they believe to be an unacceptable lifestyle and marriage option, Collins wants to deny them their say. Collins knows that the private sphere has always been protected, but he won’t admit that the moral sphere has always been a part of politics. Like it or not, William, one inclusive, non-religiously based commandment, "love your neighbor as yourself," does not allow for false interpretation. What’s sad about proponents of gay marriage and a distortion of equal rights, like Collins, is that when the majority of the people speak, he and his minority will not listen.


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