Sunday, January 04, 2009


Information, technology and innovation are keys to America’s future prosperity. If we made commitments to high-value-added manufacturers and exporters like Germany, Japan and Switzerland would some success be likely for our comeback on the world stage? Would abandoning our hubris of military and financial imperialism also help because both these postures represent drags on America’s future? The answer is no but a writer, pundit, politician and commentator with Bush derangement syndrome, (which escapes me because I think rationally) Kevin Phillips, says yes. He denies the possibility that progress involves change and evolution. From behind his liberal glasses which see the world upside down and inside out, what can you expect? All major premises from people like Phillips are flawed. I debunk Phillips’ two suggestions: first, manufacturing and exporting are past tense concepts which need not perpetuate themselves. ITI should be more important to America’s upward path. We are not Germany, Japan or Switzerland. Secondly, without America’s defense of freedom, her military presence (which most European countries depend upon) and her financial importance around the globe, the quality of life for citizens worldwide would not have gradually risen over the past century. Period.

Phillips likes to quote polls and surveys conducted in America and around the world to prove disapproval of the United States and her awful, arrogant past-President George W. Bush. Studies mentioned in his recent book, Bad Money are from: 2007 Strategic Survey of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Trans-Atlantic Trends 2007, the Pew Global Attitudes Project, 2007, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs Multinational Survey, 2007. Phillips bolsters his proof of our ‘fall from grace’ with a few precautions from: the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Russia, the Alienating U.S. Presence in the Middle East, and Argentina and Financial Bitterness at the United States. Each analysis proves we are hated. Period. Yet what’s good about a country like Argentina rejecting its debts and teaming up with dictators and bullies to restore "a degree of prosperity" through more populist economic policies? " The implication that we should follow the populist trend to isolationism, compromise and diplomacy ignores the fact that most Americans (and ½ of voters in each election) oppose the stance of do-nothingness or capitulation. The hope of Phillips and his liberal, leftist buddies is to re-make the American spirit into a European (dare I say French) model of insulated, socialist living. Each objection in his cited surveys, relies upon positions of anti-war, pro-environment, reduced global policing and anti-Middle East presence. If America followed the path of least resistence, all enemies of truth, justice and the American way would be satisfied. All dictators and extremist leaders would be delighted because they could depend upon our non-intervention in their ‘business.’

Wimps needs a scapegoat and the only beast willing to take on the bullies of the savanna is should expect to be vilified. Duh! Muslim bullies, Russian bullies, African bullies, Venezuelan and Cuban bullies, European wimps, Canadian wimps, don’t like America. Duh! Without us, wimps would lack the freedom to practice wimphood; bullies would ... bully.


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