Saturday, January 03, 2009

New Year's resolution

As the notorious 19th century persona, George Sand wrote, "Life is a journey with life as its destination" - so she (he) lived. Even a few of her dying words reflect her upbeat love of liberty, her raison d’etre. "Leave greenness..."she said. Sand would have despised (her opinions were seriously held) the notion of hoping for change to enhance her freedoms. She enjoyed the present and embraced the permanent presence of past experiences. Sand had faith that all past lives and deaths remained alive in memories and feelings throughout life. For Sand, faith was like the rails on which she rode through time. Her journey alternated between Camelot and a valley of tears but she never lost faith and always sought equilibrium. Knowing herself (or himself) facilitated the search for the golden mean. George Sand’s resolution to pursue absolute liberty was lifelong. In 2009, America needs a wake up call, a resolution to also pursue the golden mean, the path of least resistance - not too extremely left, not too extremely right, but just right. Good luck!


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